The NIC participated in the “Project Iraq 2010” Fair, which was held for the period 27th – 30th of September 2010 on the grounds of Erbil International Fair, represented by a high level delegation.
The head of the delegation said that the purpose behind this participation is to promote the investment process in the country in addition to being introduced to the international investors and companies’ participating in the fair and opening new contact channels with them to enter the Iraqi market and seize the big investment opportunities.
He added that several meetings had been made with a number of participating investors who had showed a big interest to invest in Iraq benefiting from incentives and guarantees insured by the investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 and its amendments.
On the other hand, officials responsible for the fair management highly evaluated the NIC role in attracting Arab and foreign investors to participate in the huge projects aiming at rebuilding Iraq, asserting through the opening ceremony speech that the arrival of this big number of international companies is a great opportunity for those companies to participate in the ongoing reconstruction process and the huge projects announced by the NIC like the project of the One Million Housing Unit.
It is also worthwhile to mention that “Iraq project 2010” was mainly devoted for the constructional and environmental companies where 300 companies from 20 regional and international countries were participating in addition to a number of ministries. The fair also was highly attended by businessmen and Iraqi people.

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