National Investment Authority (NIA) hosts the third meeting of the technical team for the National Climate Investment Plan

On Thursday, 11/7/2024, the National Investment Authority (NIA) hosted the third meeting of the technical team of the National Climate Investment Plan (NCIP) in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Dr. Mona Al Jabri, head of the technical team representing KDIPA, stressed that this meeting is a continuation of previous meetings in preparation for the launch of the plan. This is part of efforts to promote sustainable investments that consider climate impacts.
Al-Jabri explained that this meeting was conducted to study the progress made in the implementation of the National Climate Investment Plan. And exchange views on the challenges and opportunities in this field. The cooperation between KDIPA and UNDP reflects Iraq’s commitment to achieving sustainable development and addressing climate challenges through thoughtful and sustainable investment strategies.
The meeting, which was attended by representatives from climate change ministries (finance, higher education. construction and housing. Environment, Agriculture Ministry of Planning. Baghdad Municipality, Industry Iraqi Engineers Syndicate. transportation. Iraqi Contractors Federation ) Set clear goals for the climate investment plan, how to achieve them, the sources of financing available for climate projects, and how to attract foreign and local investments. To ensure the success of the plan’s projects. As well as discussing the data of the projects that were shared by the ministries.
The meeting reviewed the latest technologies and sustainable solutions that can be applied in future projects. In addition to strengthening cooperation with international organizations and donors to exchange knowledge and expertise to confront the threat of desertification as a result of water shortages. and unsustainable farming methods. and climate change leading to rising temperatures and decreasing rainfall.

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