Aiming at Building 100 Thousand Residential units in Basra
National Investment Commission Holds a Series of Meetings with a coalition of American and South Korean companies

A lengthy meeting was held on Tuesday 26.Jul.11 at the headquarters of the National Investment Commission chaired by His Excellency Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Dr. Sami al-Araji with representatives of the consortium (Trac) and a group of major international companies, represented by the two companies (Hill International and Hillston) the Americas, as well as ( Hyundai), (Halla), (JUNGLAM), (DOHWA)) South Korean engineering and construction companies and the technical committee for the project of building one million housing units throughout Iraq on a project to build 100,000 housing units in the province of Basra.
An official source in the commission said that this meeting included discussing the structural system which will be used by the group of companies for the implementation of the housing project, in addition to the ideas of architectural design of the housing unit and design of the project site and the proposed funding mechanism for the project, adding that it was agreed to hold a series of meetings during the next few days until reaching an agreement on the designs.
The delegation of the South Korean companies had visited earlier this week Shatt al-Arab district in Basra province in which the project shall be implemented on an estimated area of (10) thousands of acres.
It is worth mentioning that the technical committee for the project of building one million housing units, headed by Dr. Sami al-Araji includes consulting engineers of various specializations representing the Ministries of Housing and Construction, Higher Education and Scientific Research and the National Investment Commission.

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