Anbar Investment Commission Holds a Meeting to Discuss Constructing Industrial Cities

Anbar investment Commission held a meeting in the One Stop Shop Dept. headed by the commission’s Chairman, Mr. Farhan Awadh and attended by the commission’s vice chairman and representatives of the provincial government, the provincial experts’ office and managers of investment affairs departments.
Anbar Investment commission Chairman stressed the importance of attending all relative sides all meetings held in the commission in order to eliminate all obstacles that might hinder investments inflows into the governorate assuring that “Investment in Anbar will step confidently forward this year especially after issuing the statute of leasing and possessing lands in addition to the remarkable improvement in the security situation the matter that creates an attractive investment climate in the governorate.
Mr. Farhan added that his commission made exceptional efforts to delegate the heads of the concerned departments outside Iraq in order to get them acquainted with the investment experiences of the neighboring countries which will unify visions among the departments concerned with attracting investment and the investment commission to establish an investment environment that contributes to attracting investors into the governorate.
The AIC Chairman presented a presentation briefing investment licenses granted so far assuring that the commission is serious in following up the licensed projects implementation stages and that it already had withdrawn seven licenses for the reluctance shown in running the implementation.
Several other projects were discussed during the meeting like Faluja Farm project which is considered one of the most important tourists sites in the governorate stressing the necessity of making serious efforts to prepare this site for investment. AIC chairman also stressed the importance of unifying efforts to establish the industrial cities in the governorate for the active role it can play to enhance economy and absorb unemployment.

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