For enhancing & Protecting Investments Between the Two Countries
NIC Participates in the meeting of the Iraqi- Syrian Joint Committee held in Damascus

NIC participated in the seventh session of the Iraqi- Syrian joint committee held in Damascus for the period 6-7.Nov.10 which aimed at enhancing and reinforcing cooperation between the two countries in various sectors.
Mr. Adnan Al- Ramahi, DG of Legal Dept. and the NIC representative in the said committee mentioned that the Minister of Trade Dr. Safa Al- Deen Al- Safi had headed the Iraqi side in the meetings while Ms. Lamea Mry Assi, Minister of Economy and Trade had headed the Syrian side.
Mr. Ramahi added that there were several points agreed upon most important of which was cooperation in investment feild, where the two sides agreed to hold a meeting between the National Investment Commission in Iraq and the Investment Commission in Syria and to activate the investment seminar which is supposed to be held in Damascus to promote investment, also the meeting sides agreed to follow up the agreement of (promoting and protecting investments between the two sides) and (the memorandum of cooperation in investment field between the Republic of Iraq and the Arab Republic of Syria) before signing both.
In economic field, Mr. Ramahi also assured that the two sides agreed on continuing the two countries adherence to the regulations of the Huge Arab Commercial Free Zone and maintaining joint coordination in the Arab and International events in a way that achieve the two sides benefits and the continuation of granting the origin certificates, the two sides also discussed reviewing cancelling the import licenses imposed on some promotional goods for the products in the two countries in addition to cooperating in holding fairs and encouraging markets and foreign trade.
NIC representative referred to founding the Iraqi- Syrian Businessmen Council during the meeting of the joint committee and agreeing upon granting entry visas to businessmen according to the letters issued by unions of chambers of commerce and industry in both countries and establishing joint free zones between the two sides.
The meeting also covered cooperation in various other fields like ( finance and banks, irrigation and water resources, planning, higher education and culture, training and expertise exchange, industrial field, specifications and standards ) . Other important subject was also discussed which is the connecting line between Iraq and Syria and reactivating the connecting line No. 132 K.V between Tal abo Dhahir station in Iraq and Al- Sewaidia station in Syria.
At the end of the meeting, the two sides agreed to hold a follow up joint committee meeting in April. 2011 to be headed by the vice chairman of each side in order to carry out the points agreed upon during the ministerial committee meetings.

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