NIC Chairman confirms the willingness to create Huge Economic Partnerships between Iraq & Germany

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji confirmed the NIC willingness to create huge economic partnerships between Iraq and Germany in various sectors according to an investment strategy aiming at reinforcing the economic relations between the two countries, his confirmation came during a meeting with the representatives of the German Ministries of Economy and Foreign Affairs and a number of German and Iraqi Businessmen in Baghdad, the meeting was also attended by the German Ambassador to Iraq.
Dr. Sami also said that NIC is ready to grant all facilities and privileges mentioned in the investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 and its amendments for investors interested to invest in Iraq asserting that the Iraqi market is a promising one; he also stressed the Iraqi businessmen need to the expertise of the big German companies in sectors like (electricity, Housing and Transport) not to mention that the German manufactured goods enjoy a very good reputation among Iraqis.
Sessions of negotiations between Iraqi and German companies of mutual interests and specializations were held during which important ideas were discussed to create real partnerships between the two sides and how to overcome difficulties that may hinder concluding these arrangements to seize available investment opportunities in Iraq.
German ambassador in his turn showed his deep gratitude for the warm reception made to the German delegation by the government of Iraq in general and by NIC in particular; he also stressed his government willingness to reinforce the economic relations between the two countries and seize the available opportunities to enter the Iraqi market in a way that serves both countries interests.

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