To see the workflow and the achievement rates in Bismayah project

National Investment Commission organizes a field trip for the registrars on Bismayah project

Bismayah registrars expressed their satisfaction and admiration with the movement of hard work and achievement rates of the project during a visit to the project site organized by NIC on Tuesday (8/10/2013).

Dr. Majid Hassan, one of the contractors, said that this visit contributed to transfer the real picture about the work carried out in the project and the qualitative shift taking place in the infrastructure works the matter that enhances the NIC credibility and the company executing the project under the hostile propaganda the project was subject to and the attempts to bring down this edifice which will have a great significance in the investment process in Iraq.

Mr. Jawad Kadhim, who bought five housing units, decided to buy two additional ones after studying the modern technology used in the project.

Mr. Charlie Kim, the managing director of the company, and the advanced level cadre of the project received the visitors when Mr. Kim presented a detailed explanation of the work mechanism being conducted according to schedule in the project, in addition to providing a brief summary of the most important achievements of Hanawah Company in the world.

Mr. Kim added that there are intensive studies and meetings in the company to reduce the time limit for the delivery of the first batch of residential units in the beginning of 2015 by increasing the number of engineers and technicians.

After that Mr. Kim took the visitors with a field trip in the project to see the development where they visited (PC)  Plants  laboratories  which are regarded the biggest in the Middle East , they also saw the work progress in the infrastructure tunnel with a length of(20) kilometers .

Then he answered all the questions concerning basic services such as (Electricity, high ways, delivery times and so on) describing this visit as a positive motivation to overcome obstacles that might hinder the project completion putting them on the company meeting table to produce the best services for the citizen welcoming receiving more field visits to the project in more developed stages.

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