With in the Process of Completing BNCp Infrastructure

Opening the Biggest PHC Pile Plant in the Middle East     

NIC announced opening the PHC pile plant by Hanawah, the executing company of the project of Bismayah New City supervised by the National Investment Commission, which is one of the supporting plants for the pre casting steel plant being constructed on the project’s ground.

A source in the company assured that the plant is the first of its kind in the Middle East where piles are produced according to the latest international technologies explaining that producing piles goes through several stages starting with formulating the steel mould as a cylindrical column, where as the second stage includes filling the mould with the steel with fast rotating to obtain high durability, while in the third stage the piles are dried by special steam furnaces.

The source added that the production capacity for the plant reaches 200 piles a day, referring that the current month witnessed making the first experiment process of tamping the steel piles in the housing block number (A1) in Bismayah New City which was fully successful and attended by Hanawah staff, the resident engineer and the NIC media office.

The source also said that after a week of extensive experiments, they started tamping the soil using the produced piles in the first residential complex in the city representing the first step in launching the construction of the housing units in Bismayah New city.

Worth mentioning that Bismayah New City project includes constructing 100 thousand housing units with all related services according to latest world specifications and the project is part of an ambitious plan by the NIC to build 1 million housing units all over the country, approximately 250 thousand units of which is Baghdad’s quota.

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