For the Purpose of Developing the Agricultural Sector in Iraq

NIC Receives the Australian Minister of Agriculture

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al- Araji received at the NIC premises on Monday 23.02.2014 the Australian Minister of Agriculture and the accompanied delegation with the attendance of the Iraqi Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Ghazi al- Aboodi, a number of officials in the Ministry of Agriculture and NIC and the Australian Ambassador to Baghdad in addition to a number of Iraqi Businessmen, when the two sides discussed the possibility of developing the Iraqi Agricultural sector through presenting the available agricultural investment opportunities to the Australian companies

In the expanded session attended by the two sides, al- Araji assured that the agricultural sector is one of the important economic sectors in Iraq for the promising investment opportunities it has expressing the NIC readiness to submit all privileges and guarantees for Australian investors willing to invest in Iraq according to investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 as amended.

He stated that this meeting had come to exchange thoughts and opinions between the public and private sectors in the two countries in order to create investment partnerships aiming at developing the agricultural sector in the country especially after adopting the free market policy and encouraging the private sector to play a bigger role in the economic development process appreciating the Australian Minister visit and support for the reconstruction and investment process in Iraq.

In her turn, the Australian Minister presented her gratitude and appreciation for the warm reception and hospitality inviting the Iraqi businessmen to visit Australia to view the Australian experience in agriculture and livestock production and expressing  the Australian Government readiness to provide the necessary support in this sector within the framework of the bilateral benefits between the two countries.

From the Iraqi side, Dr. Ghazi al- Aboodi affirmed that Iraq had witnessed a big development in the agricultural sector as it achieved 80% percent of Iraq’s need of wheat and it is hoped to reach full sufficiency of this crop by the end of this year, where as we reached sufficiency in the production of fruits and vegetables while 50% of livestock needs is covered by the local production  inviting the Australian side to reinforce support in the field of expertise exchange between the two countries.

The attendees from the representatives of the private sector in Iraq submitted a number of suggestions and opinions to reinforce Iraq’s capacities in this vital sector which can be a new resource for income in the country, the meeting also witnessed discussing a number of issues of concern to the economic relations between Iraq and Australia to serve the aspirations of the two countries.

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