With the Attendance of H.E Prime Minister, Nuri al- Maliki

NIC and Hanawah South Korean Company holds the Ceremony of Opening the Precast Concrete Plant in Bismayah Project

H.E Prime Minister, Mr. Nuri al- Maliki assured that providing suitable housing units for Iraqi people was a big goal and although achieving great hopes often faces greater obstacles but the slogan according to which all worked was “a housing unit for each Iraqi family”.

During his attendance to the ceremony of opening the precast Concrete plant in Bismayah project, Mr. Maliki expressed his hope for Bismayah city to turn into a new governorate not only for the big number of housing units it contains but for having comprehensive services that covers all medical, educational, energy, commercial and other vital important sides.

He also added that as we are today witnessing completing infrastructure works, specialized plants and factories in Bismayah new city project, we are also in front of a great starting point that can contribute to supporting the process of building the housing units in Iraq which represents a severe strike for all hostile campaigns against the project forwarding his thanks and appreciation for Hanawah Company which could make this dream come true through its high capacities and obligation.

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al- Araji, in his turn, said that the year 2015 will witness handing the keys of approximately 10 thousand housing units to be followed by 20 thousand units each year until hopefully ending the whole project by the year 2019 with all its services.

Al- Araji expressed his gratitude for the support submitted by H.E prime Minister for the whole economic and investment process in the country and especially Bismayah new city project that had got big facilitations. Thanking the Korean side commitment to the implementation plan according the time table specified for each phase.

South Korea Ambassador in Iraq, Mr. Jong Wan Jo, who had taken his pose just a couple of days earlier to this event, assured that Today’s event will be long remembered as one of the “most successful stories” of bilateral cooperation celebrating the “Silver Jubilee”, 25 years of diplomatic relations between Iraq and Korea.

He added that Korean government and people are ready to share their experiences with their fellow Iraqis so as to assist Iraq’s earnest endeavor for rapid economic growth and development, believing that Bismayah New City Project became as a symbol of cooperation between Korea and Iraq, will greatly contribute to the economic reconstruction of Iraq as well as the well-being of the Iraqi people.

Mr. Heong Jong Kim, Hanawah Vice Chairman of the board of directors, expressed his high appreciation for the Iraqi government and the NIC for granting Hanawah Co. their confidence to undertake constructing Bismayah new city giant project adding that the investment of this PC Plant together with 14 other Building Material Plants will play the vital role In building Bismayah New City as well as  implementing other National Reconstruction Plans in Iraq.

He also affirmed that the company is committed to achieving the project according to schedule agreed upon promising that the city will be one of the most modern cities in the region and the Middle East.

The ceremony also included an expanded tour for the Prime Minister accompanied by NIC Chairman and specialists in the plants to see the plants and the housing sites.

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