رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار يترأس إجتماع لجنة الأمر الديواني (24771) لتنمية وتطوير منطقة الطيب الاقتصادية في ميسان

رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار يترأس إجتماع لجنة الأمر الديواني (24771) لتنمية وتطوير منطقة الطيب الاقتصادية في ميسان

ترأس السيد رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للاستثمار الدكتور حيدر محمد مكية ، اليوم الاحد، اجتماعاً هاماً للجنة الأمر الديواني (24771)، لمناقشة الاستراتيجيات والخطط اللازمة لتعزيز الاستثمار في منطقة الطيب واستغلال مواردها بشكل فعال .
وأكد رئيس الهيئة على اهمية استكمال كافة الإجراءات المتعلقة بإستحداث الوحدة الإدارية لمدينة الطيب وإنشاء مدينة الطيب الاقتصادية في محافظة ميسان والتي تحظى برعاية السيد رئيس مجلس الوزراء المهندس محمد شياع السوداني ، مبيناً ان اللجنة ستواصل متابعة اعمالها بشكل منتظم لتأسيس المدينة الاقتصادية وتنمية المناطق المحيطة بها.
وتم خلال الاجتماع توجيه اللجنة الفنية التابعة للجنة الامر الديواني، والتي تأخذ على عاتقها اختيار الأراضي ومساحاتها واحداثياتها وكذلك نوع النشاط المقترح فيها وتقديم رؤية واضحة بذلك.،كما تم مناقشة المخطط الاولي لتوزيع النشاطات الاقتصادية والخدمية المختلفة للمدينة لعرضه على اللجنة الفنية لدراسته.

وشدد مكية على ضرورة التعاون بين جميع الجهات القطاعية الممثلة في اللجنة والجهات الحكومية الأخرى لحل جميع التعارضات والتقاطعات، وتم تكليف كل عضو من أعضاء اللجنة بإنجاز المهام الموكلة اليه ضمن مدد محددة.

Extension of the period of an announcement for a month for the project (Baghdad Metro)

Extension of the period of an announcement for a month of the project (Baghdad Metro)

The National Investment Commission announces the extension of the investment opportunity announcement period (Baghdad Metro) for one month, according to the Investment Law No. (13 of 2006, as amended) and the relevant instructions and decisions by the Baghdad Governorate, according to the previously announced conditions.


the previously announced conditions

Announcement of an International Investment Opportunity No. (2) of 2024 (Metro Najaf – Karbala) (Phase1) (DBOMFT)


Announcement of an International Investment Opportunity No. (2) of 2024

(Metro Najaf – Karbala) (Phase1)


According to the Investment Law No. (13) of 2006, as amended, relevant regulations and instructions, and Council of Minister’s Decision No. (245) of 2019, as amended by Government Resolution No. (23374) of 2023.

the National Investment Commission announce the availability of an international investment opportunity to design, build, operate, maintain, finance, and transfer ownership (DBOMFT) of the (Najaf-Karbala) metro project according to the specific criteria described in the investment portfolio.

Investment companies and international investors interested in this opportunity should apply at the headquarters of the National Investment Commission located in Baghdad/Green Zone/near the Turkish Embassy for the purpose of purchasing the investment portfolio for an amount of (100,000,000) One-Hundred Million Iraqi dinars.

In case you have any inquiries, please get in touch with us by phone number (+9647722333068) or by e-mail (oss@nici.gov.iq).

 General terms and conditions:

  • Purchasing the investment portfolio should be within (30) days, starting from (Monday 12th, February 2024) and the deadline is on (Tuesday 12th, March 2024) at (12:00 p.m.)
  • Submission of investment bids should be within a period of (30) days, starting from the closing date for purchasing the investment portfolio, and the deadline for receiving Investment bids is on (Thursday 11th, April 2024), Noting that the feasibility study should be submitted in both Arabic and English.
  • Bids submitted to the National Investment Commission will be subject to evaluation by the government’s specialized consultant for all works, including design, implementation, and supervision of operation and maintenance.
  • The qualification process of the applied bids for the investment opportunity shall focus on the experience of companies specialized exclusively in the field of trains as its main criterion.
  • One of the criteria for differentiation between the investment companies applying for this opportunity is the privileges provided by these companies to the government.
  • The route starts from Najaf International Airport, passes through the city centre of holy Najaf province, arrives at Karbala Airport International, and then goes to the city centre of holy Karbala province. (with a total number of four main stations)
  • The proposed length of the (Najaf-Karbala) metro route is (90 km).
  • Investment companies are to provide an economic feasibility study, project details, a funding plan, a timetable for project completion, previous similar projects executed by the investor or the investor’s partners (inside or outside Iraq).
  • The investor takes into consideration the previous studies of the transportation projects regarding (Najaf-Karbala) metro and shall bear the costs resulting from any obstacles, transfer, and treatment of services during the implementation and in case there is any  nterference with private or public assets (real estates) along the proposed routes, the investor shall bear the costs of these
  • interferences.


اطلاق العمل بمشروع مدينة الجواهري

البرنامج الحكومي لدولة رئيس الوزراء حدد منذ بدايته استراتيجية لمعالجة أزمة السكن، حيث تم عقد اجتماعات عديدة لفريق المدن لمعالجة هذه الازمة ومن جذورها وتمخضت بأنشاء مدن سكنية مستدامة متكاملة وليس التوسع بانشاء مجمعات سكنية بعدد محدود من الوحدات السكنية.

حيث تم اختيار رئات سكانية في بغداد وبقية المحافظات وبعيداً عن مراكز المدن واختناقاتها.

الهيئة الوطنية للاستثمار أعلنت عن 5 مدن سكنية كفرص استثمارية دولية وكمرحلة اولى في نهاية شهر آب من هذا العام.

وأول مدينة تم منح اجازتها من الهيئة الوطنية للاستثمار في بداية شهر كانون الاول هي لمدينة الجواهري بعد تنظيم العلاقة الاقتصادية بين الدولة والمستثمر عبر موديل اقتصادي موجود في دول اوربية مختلفة، حيث سيشارك المستثمر في توفير اراضي مخدومة او وحدات سكنية جاهزة للدولة وبنسبة معينة من مساحة المشروع وبأسعار للوحدات السكنية متاحة للمواطنين.

وبالنسبة لمشروع مدينة الجواهري الجديدة سيتضمن تخصيص 25% من الأراضي المخدومة بكافة بناها التحتية والتي ستوزعها الدولة الى فئات مختلفة بموجب الفئات المقرة بمجلس الاسكان الوطني

حيث ستوفر مدينة الجواهري ذات 7121 دونماً، 30 ألف وحدة سكنية متنوعة، و 10 آلاف قطعة أرض سكنية مخدومة لتوزع على المواطنين بفئاتهم المختلفة.

The Chairman of the National Investment Authority met with the Minister of Education to discuss the establishment of schools in Baghdad and other governorates with Korea’s Hanwha Company.

The Chairman of the National Investment Authority receives the Minister of Education and discusses the requirements for establishing schools in Baghdad and the governorates with the Korean Hanwha Company.

The Chairman of the National Investment Authority, Dr. Haider Muhammad Makkiya, received Minister of Education, Dr. Ibrahim Namis Al-Jubouri and his accompanying delegation, They discussed the requirements for establishing schools in Baghdad and the governorates with Hanwha, a South Korean company.

“The head of the commission stated,” While chairing the meeting in the presence of the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Education Affairs, Dr. Adnan Al-Sarraj, The Authority is keen to strengthen investment indicators in state institutions and provide basic services to citizens by implementing what is stipulated in the government program in the investment and economic sector.

He added that the meeting was a continuation of the previous visit to the city of Bismayah, which included reviewing the designs and spaces of school buildings within the city. Pointing out that the Authority is heading, in coordination with the Ministry of Education, to establish (14,000) thousand schools in Baghdad and the governorates to fill the need in the education directorates. And they are serving the educational sector.

For his part, The Minister of Education, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Namis, thanked His Excellency the Chairman of the Authority, Dr. Haider Muhammad Makkiya, For his cooperation in serving the Ministry and strengthening its relations with investment institutions, We appreciate the Authority’s efforts in arranging meetings with a Korean company to discuss establishing schools that meet the actual needs of Iraq.

As the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Education Affairs stated, Dr. Adnan Al-Sarraj, Government support is vital for investment projects that provide necessary services in education and others.

Those attending the meeting were briefed on a presentation presented by the Korean company, which included details of the buildings at the level of structures, areas, designs, costs, and timetables for constructing schools.

The meeting concluded by setting a date for another meeting to develop the Ministry of Education’s vision for the number of classes required to be implemented using the prefabricated construction method for these schools.

The Chairman of the National Investment Authority visited the Damac investment project in areas around Baghdad International Airport and reviewed the work maps.

The Chairman of the National Investment Authority visited the Damac investment project in areas around Baghdad International Airport and reviewed the work maps.

The Chairman of the National Investment Authority, Dr. Haider Muhammad Makkiya, visited… Damac project in areas around Baghdad International Airport, He reviewed the work maps and the nature of the time frames calculated to complete the project.

The Chairman of the Authority directed, during a meeting he held with the implementing company, The need to pay attention to the sustainable technical standards and specifications that must be available in residential units, Commitment to the prices stated in the feasibility study.

Makiya explained, The Authority is keen to monitor all strategic projects in Baghdad and the governorates. It was marking completion rates, identifying obstacles, and developing solutions that ensure the continuation of the pace of work.

The leader of the National Investment Authority inspected the residential city of Bismaya. They discussed the requirements with Korean company Hanwha to build 14,000 schools in Baghdad and other provinces.

The head of the National Investment Authority inspected the Bismaya residential city and discussed the requirements for implementing 14,000 schools in Baghdad and other provinces with the Korean company Hanwha.

The Chairman of the National Investment Authority, Dr. Haider Muhammad Makkiya, conducted an inspection tour of the residential city of Bismaya. He looked at the school buildings, their areas, designs, laboratories, and production lines. With the Minister of Education, Dr. Ibrahim Namis Al-Jubouri, the Prime Minister’s Advisor, Dr. Adnan Al-Sarraj, and the Vice President of the Korean Hanwha Company, Mr. Jung Hoon Lee.

His Excellency the Chairman of the Authority said during his tour of the city with the Minister of Education and the Prime Minister’s Advisor: The Bismayah project is one of the most vital strategic projects in the residential sector in Baghdad. It addresses an integral part of the housing problem by providing (100) thousand housing units.

He added that the Iraqi government is determined to create new, integrated cities in most of Iraq’s governorates according to sustainable construction methods, similar to the Bismayah experience.

For his part, the Minister of Education, Dr. Ibrahim Namis Al-Jubouri, expressed: His thanks to His Excellency the Chairman of the Authority for following up on the issue of establishing schools in Baghdad and the governorates, Service to the educational sector through the South Korean company Hanwha.

As the Prime Minister’s Advisor, Dr. Adnan Al-Sarraj, explained, The importance of bridging relations between state institutions in the context of implementing the government program, especially the educational sector, through solid companies specialized in construction and investment methods.

The Chairman of the Authority also held a meeting with the Vice President of the Korean company, Mr. Jong Hoon. They discussed the possibility of establishing (16,000) schools throughout Iraq. By the precise engineering specifications and technical standards that characterize the company’s work in residential units in Bismayah City, Within specific time limits without affecting the work of constructing housing units in the city.

The head of the authority continued, A work program will be launched soon with the Koreans regarding the establishment of schools after reviewing the plans prepared by the company and the Ministry of Education to implement the work according to the contract’s wording, which will include the agreement’s details.

A second extension of the advertising period

A second extension of the advertising period

The National Investment Commission, in coordination with the Ministry of Construction and Housing / New Cities Implementation Authority, announces the extension of the period for submitting investment offers for the establishment of new cities (Al-Jawahiry, Fallujah, Dhefef Karbala ، AlGazlany ، Al-Janaen) for a period of 21 days starting from the end date of the first announcement on 7/30/2023, Bids shall be submitted with the investment opportunity purchase receipt to the headquarters of the National Investment Commission / the Single Window and Investor Services Department in Baghdad – the international zone, adjacent to the Turkish embassy, ​​before (12 noon) on Sunday corresponding to 8/20/2023, and in the event that the closing day coincides with an official holiday, the closing date will be postponed to the next day.

رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار يبحث مع رئيس مؤسسة السجناء السياسيين توفير خدمات السكن الملائمة لهم

رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار يبحث مع رئيس مؤسسة السجناء السياسيين توفير خدمات السكن الملائمة لهم

بحث رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار الدكتور حيدر محمد مكية مع رئيس مؤسسة السجناء السياسيين الدكتور حسين السلطاني إمكانية توفير خدمات البيئة السكنية الملائمة لهم.

وأكد مكية خلال اللقاء تعهد الهيئة بحفظ حقوق شريحة السجناء السياسيين عبر توفير خدمات السكن ومقوماتها الملائمة التي تليق بتضحيات السجناء السياسيين العراقيين.

من جانبه أبدى رئيس مؤسسة السجناء السياسيين الدكتور حسين السلطاني شكره لمعالي رئيس الهيئة الوطنية في الإيعاز بتسهيل الإجراءات وإستكمالها لصالح السجناء السياسيين.