For the Purpose of Standing on the latest Stages of Work Progress

NIC Organizes a Media Tour in Bismayah Project’s Site



NIC organized a media tour for a group of different media houses in Bismayah housing project in order to stand on the latest stages of work progress.

NIC media office announced, that the trip had included a visit to all parts of the site with giving a detailed explanation for each work progress stage by the executing company engineers, referring that the implementation term as planned is 7 years including the 2 years specified to be devoted for implementing the city infrastructure, the pre casting plant construction and the water treatment station that will utilize all the housing units.

The spokesman added that the work in the site is going according to schedule starting with drilling the infrastructures tunnel that extends for a distance of (20) kilometers in length around the city which total area is (18) million square meters, this tunnel contains Water, gas, electricity to be provided for all housing units and other amenities inside the new city.

From his part the Managing Director of the project ,Charlie Kim, announced the completion of 80% of the largest pre- cast plant in the Middle East which produces  20 thousand housing units  per year, the number that exceeds the largest production volumes in the region, located in UAE capital Abu Dhabi, indicating that this plant included 6 major factories and two other supporting ones.

The beginning of this year will witness the opening of pillars production lines which are to be used for strengthening the soil of the project.

He added that the work is continuing to establish drinking water treatment plant which will be located next to the plant outside the city zone and it is hoped to be ready by next year referring that it will be possible to make advantage of the plant in other projects after agreeing with the GOI .

NIC and as a part of its quest to attract the largest number of Iraqi manpower  agreed with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to open Bismayah project centre for training the Iraqi manpower according the needed specializations and more than 500 jobs have been filled by the  Iraqi manpower so far.


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