During the event of celebrating finishing the work in the PC plant of Bismayah new City

NIC Chairman announces that delivering the first batch of Bismayah housing units will be at the end of 2014

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al- Araji announced that the first batch of Bismayah housing units of the 9 thousand units shall be delivered to registrars starting from 2015 while 22 thousand units shall be delivered successively on annual basis until delivering the whole 100 thousand units by the year 2019.

Al- Araji said during a celebration organized on the occasion of finishing the pre- casting plant construction, which is the biggest in the Middle East, that such plant is considered as the backbone of the project that ensures producing 80 housing units a day referring that the work progress is going according to time schedule agreed upon without any delay.

Dr. Salman al- Musawi and Mr. Abul Abbas Sheaa al- Saaedy –Members of the Economy and Investment Committee in the Iraqi Parliament had attended the event in addition to DG of the General Board for Construction and DG of the National Center for Engineering Consultations in the Ministry of Housing and Construction.

NIC Chairman added that the contract signed with Hanawah South Korean Co. is an international investment contract implemented according to investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 as amended, pointing that the NIC had worked in a transparent way since signing the contract and had been always keen to monitor the implementation stages seriously in details.

Al- Araji declared that the Ministry of Housing and Construction had started putting the designs for constructing the highway connecting Bismayah New City with Baghdad City center which hopefully starts racing next year in coordination with Baghdad Mayoralty in addition to coordination with the Ministry of Electricity to construct a power station of 750 MW capacity for the new city according to investment law.

NIC had signed a contract with the Martyrs Foundation to buy 4000 housing units in Bismayah City while other negotiations are being conducted with other governmental entities to buy other housing units.

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