The end of next March

Launching the Operations of the Construction in Bismayah New City Project

March shall witness rising the first buildings of Bismayah New City project, where the executing company began in February, the second phase of the process of the foundations construction for the first patch of the project buildings, which will hopefully be delivered to the registered people by the middle of next year as this stage is complementary to the process of laying down the concrete pillars in the soil.

The aforesaid information was delivered by an official source in Hanawah company to the Media Office in the National Investment Commission , explaining that the primary Concrete layer  is a layer of small  thickness to be poured directly on the surface of the soil , in order to prepare the ground for the later construction stages, in addition to that this layer helps to identify sites to install  rebar works in an easier way than it is when set directly on the soil by lines drawn on the surface.

He added that this process is followed by the realization of the rebar works that helps to enhance the durability of the concrete foundations, where the installation of hundreds of steel rods on the surface of the light concrete layer connecting them with the visible parts of the solid concrete pillars, and then followed by a second casting process in special moulds in the way that makes the rebar pervasive and covered completely by concrete.

Meanwhile, the source said that the company launched a process of trial production of the concrete foundations in Bismayah factories, indicating that the concrete foundation or what is known as (Socle) is one of the types of pre-cast concrete, which are produced in the site factory aiming at strengthening and enhancing the foundations, as they are the link between the outer wall of the housing unit (Sandwich panel) and the roof or the ground.

It is worth mentioning that the first patch to be delivered to the registrars is located near Baghdad Gate on the road linking between Baghdad and Kut, and within the next few months people shall significantly see buildings rise in the city.

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