For the Purpose of upgrading and developing National Skilled Labor force

NIC Chairman Participates in launching the Vocational Training Center Bismayah New City

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al- Araji, the Minister of Labor and Social Affair, Mr. Nassar al- Rubaie and M.P Mr. Kadhim al Shimmery  participated in launching the vocational training center in Bismayah new city project that is run by the General Directorate for Vocational Training in the Ministry  of Labor and Social Affair in cooperation with Korean executing Company “Hanawah”. The centre aims at providing national skilled labor force through training Iraqis in the new center workshops.

 NIC Chairman stressed in his opening  speech that establishing such a centre can supply  Bismayah new project with skilled labor force in  construction works field ,that’s where Iraq put skilled labor in priority after cultivation, praising the role of  Ministry  of Labor and Social Affair in support  and giving all facilities to establish this centre in addition to continuous support from  the Minister of Labor and Social Affair to Bismayah new city .

He added the work is proceeding according to plan and the implementing company is committed to its obligations, in the other hand; the year 2015 will witness delivering the first patch of Bismayah housing units, indicating that about (5000) workers are currently working in the project out of (26000) will be attracted within reaching the work in the project its prime.

From his part, the Minister of Labor and Social Affair Mr. Nassar al- Rubaie said that Bismayah new project is the most important residential project in Iraq and establishing a specialized centre using latest methods and approaches in training is an achievement to his   Ministry especially when Iraq is in critical need for the professional cadre, indicating that his Ministry has 36 training centers distributed all over Iraq in various fields and this centre is the only one in construction field.

   At the same time, Mr. mun, senior managers of Hanawah Company expressed his pride with the work in Iraq and establishing the largest residential city in the region and this effort is the cooperation result between NIC and Hanawah Company, adding that the project will provide work opportunities for Iraqi people as well as contributing in stimulating the industry sector and serve Iraq.

The attendee toured in the project site viewing the progress in constructing infrastructure such as precast concrete factories; tunnel which cantinas electricity and communications wires, drinking water treatment plants and sewage.

It’s worth mentioning that the training centre was opened in 5/1/2014 starting with two courses which are forging and moulds carpentry to train 33 persons, and  it is hoped to open another  specializations in the future sessions with 60 days for each session.

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