With the participation of different countries

Holding the First International Festival for Air Activities in Babylon Province

Under the patronage of the Ministry of Sport and Youth and the National Investment Commission, the first International Festival for Air Activities starts today 23.Mar.14 in Babylon province with the participation of professional air activities teams from different nationalities like (Poland, Netherland, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Brazil, Chili and the United States of America) accompanied by a big group of journalists and media people who will undertake covering the event and broadcast it to the world.

The NIC Media office delegation representative said that the activities to be played for the first time in various provinces of Iraq shall include paragliding with 10 performing gliders, balloons activities with 4 balloons to perform free air jumping and other activities, referring that the participating teams are those of the most internationally well known and having had previous participations in different parts of the world and whose participation in Iraq now delivers a clear message to all the world that Iraq will keep being the cradle of civilization, tourism, sports and arts.

The source added that NIC had actively contributed to support the festival through facilitating the logistic procedures like granting the entry visas for the participating teams, accompanying them to provinces and providing the media coverage.

NIC logo shall be put on the four balloons to be prevailing in the sky of Iraqi province sending a message of peace and love to the world and reassuring that Iraq is open for business.

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