National Investment Commission

*In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful*

At a time when the National Investment Commission appreciates the role of the legislative institution in the country by exercising its constitutional role by monitoring state institutions and enacting their laws, The National Commission affirms its keenness to strengthen its relations with all institutions, including the esteemed Iraqi Council of Representatives, in order to make the government’s tasks a success, as stated in its platform related to supporting the private sector and encouraging the investment environment in a manner that serves the interest of Iraq and within the framework of Investment Law No. (13) of 2006.

The National Investment Commission has recently monitored the invitation of some members of the House of Representatives to organize an interrogation of the head of the National Commission, Dr. Haidar Muhammad Makiya, and it has always expressed its high sense of respect towards the House of Representatives and its members and its willingness to attend the interrogation according to the legal contexts specified for its mechanisms and to state the facts and evidence proven by the Commission about what was stated in Book of the Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee.

The National Investment Commission calls on the respected members of the House of Representatives to support the Commission’s procedures in developing the investment law and related regulations. To serve the interest of the investment sector in Iraq, Noting that all the work carried out by the Commission and its staff is within the legal frameworks, instructions and controls stipulated in the laws governing the investment process in Iraq.

* National Investment Commission *

In implementation of the Prime Minister’s directives to accelerate the pace of work on projects: The head of the National Commission for Investment inspects investment projects around Baghdad International Airport and looks at work plans and completion rates


The Chairman of the National Commission for Investment, Dr. Haider Muhammad Makiya, conducted an inspection tour of the investment projects in areas around Baghdad International Airport to see the progress of the work and the achievement rates achieved within the specified time periods.

This visit comes in implementation of the directives of His Excellency the Prime Minister, Eng. Muhammad Shia’a Al-Sudani, regarding the need to accelerate the pace of work in all projects. And dividing work meals into three shifts to ensure speedy delivery.

And in his visit to the investment projects, in the presence of the Managing Director of Daico International Holding Company and the representative of the Emirati Damac Company in Iraq, Mr. Majid Al-Ghazali, and a number of officials of the Authority, His Excellency the Chairman of the National Commission, Dr. Haider Muhammad Makiya, affirmed his keenness to follow up the stages of work and record completion rates within the specified time ceilings, which were proven by feasibility studies. Indicating that these projects represent a qualitative turning point in terms of design and construction.

During his tour of a number of completed models of housing units for the projects of the Daico International Holding Company, Makiya continued that the government pays great attention to partnership between the public and private sectors and its implications for national economic development. Referring to the National Authority’s reliance on the policy of openness to regional and international investment companies and initiating bilateral agreements and memorandums of understanding with major countries in the sectors of housing, energy, industry, trade and agriculture, He explained that the National Authority will work to remove obstacles in order for the mechanisms to enter the work sites.

For his part, Mr. Majed Al-Ghazali, Managing Director of Daico, expressed his happiness with this visit and the knowledge of the nature of work levels that investment projects have been lacking for years. Expressing his thanks for the interest of the President of the National Commission and his careful follow-up to the details of the field work. Pointing out that Daico’s projects around the airport are in an upward trajectory.

الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار تطلع ميدانيا على مشاريع محافظتي كركوك ونينوى


أجرت لجنة مختصة من الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار جولة تفقدية للإطلاع على مراحل العمل في المشاريع الإستثمارية بمحافظتي كركوك ونينوى.

وبينت اللجنة خلال جولتها الميدانية أن مهمتها جاءت بناءً على توجيهات من معالي رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار الدكتور حيدر محمد مكية بهدف الكشف الميداني على مراحل العمل ومستويات الإنجاز في المشاريع وتأشير نقاط الخلل، ووضع الخطط والمقترحات بشأن معالجتها.

وكانت قد شكلت اللجنة من أقسام التدقيق والمراجعة والمتابعة والقانونية والتنسيق بين المحافظات، ومثل هذه اللجان سيكون عملها بشكل دوري للمشاريع الاستثمارية ولعموم محافظات العراق.

The National Investment Commission organizes a workshop on the quality management system


The National Investment Commission organized a workshop on the conceptual approach to the quality management system, with the participation of the Commission’s employees.

The Vice President of the Commission, Eng. Salar Muhammad Amin, said during his attendance at the workshop that the National Commission for Investment is keen to implement international standards of quality management because of its positive role on the investment process in Iraq.

The workshop, which was organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, included a lecture given by Ms. Yusra Hamid, Director of Quality Management and Institutional Development Department at the Ministry of Youth and Sports. During which I showed the concept, foundations and elements of applying total quality management and quality management system (ISO9001) and the differences between total quality management and quality management system.

The workshop curriculum explained the modern methods of preparing the comprehensive quality manual and the specifications required to obtain it. And how to document and audit its systems through a special methodology in management.

The workshop was attended by the Assistant Director General of the Economic and Technical Department, Ammar Abdul-Jabbar, and the Director of the Department of Total Quality Management and Institutional Development, Ms. Huda Muhammad Jassim at the National Investment Authority.

الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار تنفذ حملة رفع التجاوزات في مجمع بسماية السكني وتحث المواطنين للحفاظ على البيئة الإيجابية للسكن


تنفيذا لتوجيهات معالي رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار الدكتور حيدر محمد مكية نفذ قسم متابعة شؤون مدينة بسماية حملة رفع التجاوزات على شوارع وحدائق وأبنية مجمع بسماية السكني.

وتهيب الهيئة الوطنية بالشعور المسؤول لدى المواطنين في المجمع للمساهمة في الحفاظ على عامل النظافة في داخل الأبنية وعدم نصب التجاوزات في الحدائق أو الشوارع أو مداخل العمارات كونها من المظاهر غير الحضارية والممنوعة بحسب القانون.

وتؤكد الهيئة الوطنية إستمرار حملتها الشاملة في رفع اية تجاوزات عن طريق قسم متابعة شؤون مدينة بسماية لديمومة وتطوير واقع المجمع.

The Chairman of the National Investment Commission congratulates the World Press Freedom Day


On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, the National Commission for Investment congratulates the Iraqi journalist family working in the field of journalism and media. We offer her the warmest words of congratulations and blessings on this anniversary, which is a new incentive to move towards objective and professional journalistic work in conveying facts and publishing them transparently to public opinion and giving them sufficient space in accordance with the methods of journalistic work and the provisions of constitutional legislation.

As we congratulate the press family in Iraq, we highly appreciate its efforts in keeping up with the work of the National Commission and transmitting its news and activities. Through the media playing the main role in the positive promotion of strategic and pioneering investment projects in various sectors.

Dr. Haider Muhammad Makiya

Chairman of the National Investment Commission


Investment opportunity/ State  company  for  petrochemical  industries


State  company  for  petrochemical  industries

                                            Announcement of               

an Investment Opportunities (as a partner ship contract)



The  state  company  for  petrochemical  industries  announces  to  all  manufacturers &  producers companies  registered  inside & outside  of  Iraq and all investor s to participate  in  below   project according to the technical  specification  and  commercial  conditions  which could  be obtaine from our company at  Basra khur Al-Zubair against  un refundable  amount of ( 2,000,000 ) Iraqi diners and  from our company’s web  site : www or M. web site: Offers  should  be submitted  in three enclosed  envelopes  with the stamp of companie’s name.  The first envelop  technical offer, second  commercial  offer  and the third contain  the following documents .(the  financial statements of last two years , certificate of companies registration, and the offers validity should be for not less  than  three months) these offers  should submttide  to our company at  Basra khur Al-Zubair or( send the original  hard copy through registerd  mail by DHL, TNT,…etc to our P. box 933 Basra\Iraq if it is safe & guarantee to reach our company) .

 Our  company is not committed  to accept the lowest offer prices& Announcement fee will be paid by the winner.

NOTE/ The tender box should be open after (30) days on publication of the announcement un local newspapers . In case we didn’t receive aproper offer we shall re- tender the project till one year.



Bid bond Cost Estimated Closing Date      Investment Opportunities Item
500  Million  Iraqi dinar 51.613 BL

– Iraqi dinar

(30 days) Thirty days from the publishing the announcement in the local newspapers. Erection a new factory for production of Chorine /Caustic Soda

(Production capacity 40 Ton Chlorine/ day)








Investment Opportunity/ qualifying and operating the manufacture and production of tractors factory

Announcement No. ( 1 ) Investment Opportunity

The General Company for manufacture of cars and equipment, one of the formations of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, invites all Iraqi, Arab and foreign companies with experience inside and outside Iraq to participate in the investment opportunity for the project of qualifying and operating the manufacture and production of tractors factory according to the conditions and information that can be obtained form the commercial In the companys headquarters located in Babel Governorate / Askandriyah region for an amount

of ( 250,000 ) twohundred and fifty thousand Iraqi dinars that are not refundable one day after the date of the advertisement being published in the local newspapers and for a period of thirty days from the date of publication    of the advertisement and in the case of No tenders are received during this period . The advertisement and in the case of No tenders are received during this period. The advertisement is considered effective for another 30 days, and until an acceptable offer is received for a period not exceeding a calendar year, and the company is ready for any inquiries, taking into account the submission of the necessary and required papers within the terms of the tender, and duly certified by.




Dr. Eng

Mazhar Sadiq Sabi AI- Tamimi

General Manager \ Cairman of board Director






E-mail:scai@ scai . industry             Iraq- B abel -Askandriyah

Investment Opportunity/ State Company for Automotive &Equipments Industries

Announcement No. ( 1 ) Investment Opportunity

 State Company for Automotive &Equipments Industries, one of the formations of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, invites all Iraqi, Arab and foreign companies with experience inside and outside Iraq to participate in the investment opportunity for the project of Rehabilitation and development of production Lines for power transmission towers according to the conditions and information that can be obtained form the commercial  the  In the companys headquarters located in Babel Governorate / Alexandria region for an amount

of ( 250,000 ) twohundred and fifty thousand Iraqi dinars that are not refundable one day after the date of the advertisement being published in the local newspapers and for a period of thirty days from the date of publication    of the advertisement and in the case of No tenders are received during this period . The advertisement and in the case of No tenders are received during this period. The advertisement is considered effective for another 30 days, and until an acceptable offer is received for a period not exceeding a calendar year, and the company is ready for any inquiries, taking into account the submission of the necessary and required papers within the terms of the tender, and duly certified by.




Dr. Eng

Mazhar Sadiq Sabi AI- Tamimi

General Manager \chairman of board Director   





E-mail:scai@ scai . industry             Iraq- B abel -Askandriyah