Iraq is Elected to Chair the Mediterranean Investment Protection Program Working Group

During the OECD Conference in Paris

Iraq is Elected to Chair the Mediterranean Investment Protection Program Working Group 

investment program  in Middle East and North Africa, dependent to (OECD), held a conference in Paris on 9/12/2013 under the title (Protecting  investment in infrastructure in the  Middle East and North Africa area: Minimizing risks in the times of instability ) with the participation of the representatives of  (OECD ) member states and countries in the region , including Iraq as well as representatives of a number of important international institutions such as World Bank, European Investment Bank, EU Commission , Mediterranean  Union and so on .

The conference discussed the best means to facilitate the investment process in infrastructure projects in Mediterranean and  the Middle East by  the private sector since the (OECD) believes  that   infrastructure is a key element of the Investment environment  and a significant contributor to create jobs in addition to the growing demand for  infrastructure which is hampered by low investment by private sector in large-scale projects as a result to  international economic conditions and instability in some states in the region .

The conference focused in particular on using the partnership between public and private sectors structures, arbitration and ways of expanding utilizing of the currently available investment guarantees tools.

During the conference the official launch of Investment Protection Program Working Group was done which is part of the investment program in the Middle East and North Africa.

As, a representative of Iraq , NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al-Araji  participated in the conference in addition to Iraq ambassador in Paris Dr. Fred Mustafa , when during the first session of the conference Iraq and France  were chosen for chairing the group .

The NIC Chairman, in his speech, expressed his deep thanks and gratitude to choose Iraq for chairing the group, the matter that indicated the organization’s appreciation to Iraq’s achievements, in rehabilitating its economy and creating encouraging investment environment that contributes to the process of rebuilding Iraq, and the OECD’s desire of strengthening Iraq’s role in the organization.

He indicated that choosing Iraq to be a head of a working group deals with investment protection sends a strong message to the investor about Iraq’s faith in investment importance to rebuild the country and its commitment to guarantee the investor’s rights.

Al- Araji also reviewed the cooperation between (OECD) and NIC which began since 2010 in important  fields as executing the investment cities projects and different   infrastructure projects, he also reviewed Iraq achievement in economic sphere during the last five years which witnessed intensive work  in spite of difficulties ,referring that Iraq had succeeded  in achieving a growth rate of 9% in 2012 and reduced the unemployment rate to 11% and the rate of poverty to be 19%, he also pointed to the big attention  Iraq Government is paying to infrastructure development, as , water and sanitation, Electricity, Health , Education , Railways , Ports , Airports , Communications and so on adding that there are  many ongoing  projects and a large part of the budget of the current five-years plan (2013-2017)  had been allocated  to  infrastructure and rehabilitating economic sectors .

He also stressed that the NIC establishment  in 2007 came as a result to Iraq’s great interest in attracting investments by setting the suitable business environment  and  it  is determined to create a legislative environment  appropriate to investment  and the investment  law was the most important step on this road describing the current investment  system with comfortable  though it was not perfect  while the Iraqi economy is still in a transitional stage from centralized economy to market economy; whereas GOI is looking forward to accomplish more .

Al-Araji also talked about the current existence of the foreign investment in Iraq and the continuous economic delegations visits to Iraq describing it as an important indicator to Iraq’s desire to attract more investors.

At the end of his speech the NIC chairman repeated his thanks and gratitude to (OECD) to select Iraq to be the head of Investment Protection Program Working Group and invited them to hold the next meeting in Baghdad.

Investment Opportunity


Ministry of telecommunication in coordination with the National Investment Commission is delighted to announce for all Iraqi and Foreign investors the opportunity to invest the lands belonging to the Ministry, which its details are specified in the below table, in accordance with the investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 as amended and its regulations.

Interested investors can submit their applications to the National Investment Commission through the email ( ), within a period of 30 days starting from the date of publishing this announcement, please take into consideration that the ground floor of the investment project is to be exclusively constructed and designed as a post office.

Online address information:

–         The National Investment Commission’s Website:

–         Ministry of Communication’s Email:

Information Table for The Proposed Investment Opportunities

Note: Olk =100 M2



Type of the estate and its current status

Land No.

Total area

The Suggested project



Karada District – Section. 901, St. 23 near Hamam Haji Mahdi Public Bath

A destructed post office (unexploited yard)


Albo Jumaa

21818 Olk

A commercial project that is to be constructed vertically or as a vertical offices building providing that the ground floor is to be designed as offices exclusively.

Aadamiah District- Section. 312, St. 14 Imam Aadham Mosque.

An empty Piece of Land which is  currently used as a park for vehicles.

2/36 Al- Nussa

209475 Olk

Using 500 m² as a post office and the remaining  land to be constructed as a shopping Mall



Al- Buraq District- Visitors city Building

unexploited piece of land


450 m²

Using 120 m² to establish a post office and the remaining land area can be exploited to construct a commercial hotel

Al- Buraq District / Al- Maidan Square

unexploited piece of land



Using 120 m² to establish a post office and the remaining land can be exploited to construct a commercial hotel



Al- Tamemyah district near al- AL Ashar Souq

unexploited piece of land


1,13,91,31 Dunam

Using 600 m² to establish a center for optical cables and the remaining land area can be exploited to construct a shopping Mall



Al- Qalaa district / Tikreet Town

Al- Qalaa district / Tikreet Town

unexploited piece of land




14,55,78 Olk

10,08 Olk

Establishing A five-storey building providing that the Ground floor is to be designed as a post office exclusively, other floors can be invested as commercial project since the two estates are located at Tikreet downtown



Al- Qassim district (the piece of land is overlooking the main street near Al-Qassim Holy Shrine in a distance of almost 200 m2 and  nearby the Communication Complex and Al-Qassim Post Office)

unexploited piece of land

1232/24 Juthariah

400 m²

Using 120 m² to establish a post office and the remaining land area can be exploited to construct a commercial hotel or a shopping Mall

Al- Qassim district nearby the above mentioned piece of land.

unexploited piece of land



400 m²

Al- Musaiab Town

unexploited piece of land

unexploited piece of land

unexploited piece of land




19 Olk and 69 m²

4 Olk and 13 m²

364 m2 and 2782,5 m²

the old office located on the Piece of Land numbered 9/36 was demolished to construct a typical post office of 250 m² area within the three contiguous lots while the remaining land area can be exploited to construct a multi-story shopping Mall

Al-Musaiab Town/ at Babil Province Center (nearby the new Provincial Council Building)

unexploited piece of land

9/2 m29

2782 m²

Constructing a typical post office on a total area of 150 m² while using the remaining land area to construct a shopping Mall or a hotel since the location of the land is unique .

Baghdad Hosts Major French Companies- MEDEF International Members



Within the Framework of the Iraqi- French Business and Investment Forum

Baghdad Hosts Major French Companies- MEDEF International Members


The Iraqi – French Business and Investment Forum works started in Baghdad on the 25th of November 2013 and continued for two successive days under the patronage of H.E. Prime Minister, Mr. Nuri Kamil al- Maliki and with the attendance of Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs, Dr. Hussein al- Shahrestani, a number of Iraqi Ministers, Parliament members and those involved in the economic sector in Iraq.

Dr. al- Shahrestani initiated the Forum with a speech through which he emphasized that the government had been keen during the previous years to achieve the gradual and thoughtful economic transformation in the various fields in Iraq and especially investment field which had witnessed legislating the investment law no.13 for the year 2006 that submitted required guaranties for investors and contributed to supporting and encouraging them through many incentives represented by tax exemptions, customs facilitations necessary for goods entrances and exits, facilitating capital movement and allocating lands required for the investment projects.

The government of Iraq had set a plan for an overall economic development in Iraq for the years 2013-2017 concentrating on diversifying the economic resources and constructing a solid economic foundation that covers all sectors.

In the energy sector, al- Shahrestani clarified that a plan had been set to construct new power stations, the capacity of which shall exceed 20 thousand MW. These power stations had already been introduced to service to add electrical capacity for the national grid production the matter that helped in continuous power provision; he also announced that the government had taken for the first time the decision to invite Iraqi and foreign investors to invest in the electrical power provision sector to build new power stations on the basis of (I.B.B). The government also is currently studying the possibility of privatizing the electrical distribution sector and the oil derivatives distribution sector which are considered new opportunities for local and foreign investors.

In the Oil sector, the Deputy Prime Minister referred to the large increase achieved in oil production not only on the level of Iraq but also on the world level after succeeding in finalizing the licensing round through which big famous international companies had participated in the extraction process in Oil fields.

He also referred to the opportunities available to develop the Iraqi industrial sector which focuses on petrochemical and fertilizers production, with 7 MOUs signed with big international companies in these fields, in addition to other available investment opportunities in the sectors of transport, housing and others inviting French companies to study cosiderig Iraq as a principal site for producing and marketing their products in the middle east promising to find all required support and capacities.

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al- Araji opened the Forum works with a welcome speech asserting the importance of attending this big number of French businessmen which reflects their confidence in Iraq’s capability to overcome all difficulties.

French Ambassador, Mr. Denys GAUER said in his speech that France is of the first countries that had resumed its relations with Iraq after 2003 and had always been committed to provide support for the reconstruction process after decades of suffering and isolation.

Mr. GAUER added that French companied were encouraged to return to the Iraqi Market with putting all state capabilities under their disposal in order to support the external trade, stating that open policy was adopted in the field of granting entry visas for Iraqis aiming at facilitating their visits to France.

The Forum works included an extensive session held in the first day of the forum under the title of “Doing Business in Iraq” chaired by Minister of Trade ad NIC Chairman and focused on available investment opportunities.

While the second day included 2 sessions, the first, chaired by Mr. Ihsan al- Attar- Deputy Minister of Oil, on the sectors of Energy, transport, infrastructures and industry, while the second session was, chaired by Mr. Ameer al- Baiaty- Deputy Minister of Telecommunications, on telecommunications, health, banking and insurance. The 2 sessions were followed by networking session between the two sides aiming at laying down visions and objectives required to create solid partnerships.

The National Investment Commission holds the Iraqi- British Business and Investment Forum

Under the patronage of H-E Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki

The National Investment Commission holds the Iraqi- British Business and Investment Forum

With the presence of the Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki, the Iraqi- British Business and Investment Forum works began in Baghdad on Monday 18/11/2013 which was initiated with the Prime Minister speech, who stressed the importance of holding such forums, which is an extension of the first forum that was held in London in 2009 that witnessed the foundation of the Iraqi- British Business and Investment Council

Prime Minister stressed the Iraqi Government desire to take advantage of the expertise of the British Universities, British companies and Businessmen who attended the forum through their participation in implementing the available investment opportunities in all Iraqi sectors through the economic, constructional and developmental program Iraq is witnessing.

Al-Maliki expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the health initiative presented by the British side to prepare an integrated and developed health system that meet the needs and respond to developments in accordance with the scientific bases and the internationally adopted programs .

Explaining the interest in the process of reconstruction and investment comes at the forefront of the Iraqi government priorities after countering-terrorism.

 And Iraq while seeking to increase its revenues from oil and gas, it does not aspire to its economy to be unilateral but, to exploit these  revenues to develop other sectors for economic diversity that increase the construction, development and reconstruction  processes which require more concerted  efforts  with the British companies with experience and competence .

The NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji, in his speech, welcomed guests reviewing the economic relations between Iraq and the United Kingdom that began at April 2009 at first London conference , then he divided the   conference events to three sessions the first one dealt with available investment opportunities in power sector the second discussed the Health and Education sector while the last  one devoted to investment in infrastructure and housing .

From his part the Deputy Prime Minister ,Dr. Roze Nuri Shaways , reviewed number of economic  developments that have been made in Iraqi arena such as removing Iraq from Chapter VII of the UN Charter , approving the five-years development plan of Iraq (2013-2017), issuing  economic reform law and opening Baghdad International Fair in its new session stressing the urgent Iraqi economic need to diversify economic resources through diversifying the funding resources through encouraging local and foreign private sector to achieve the future visions in building an  economy consisting of the active partnership between the state and the private sector in development sides and creating new job opportunities instead of totally  depending on oil revenues .

Indicating that the amount allocated to investment spending in the five-years development plan (2013-2017)is (350) billion dollars and (54) billion dollars for the year 2014 ,expressing his optimism about Iraq’s future for its prominent position among the oil-exporting countries compared to  other countries.

in the other hand Iraq has competitive potential in other industries like Iron, phosphate ,silicate and many sites that contains limestone used in the cement industry, asking owners of capitals and companies to contribute to achieve these investment  plans.

From the British side, the Deputy head of Mission in Iraq, Mr. Mark Bryson- Richardson showed that the United Kingdom has three priorities for action in Iraq the first one to support the Iraqi efforts to establish positive relationship regionally and internationally, the second represented by reinforcing  security and stability and the last one deals with supporting and launching  the Iraqi capabilities for a better future.

The forum included a speech for Baroness Emma Nicholson chief executive of the Iraqi- British Business Council, and Mr. Hussein Zangana, the Chairman of the Federation of Industries after that the two sessions of the forum started to end by bilateral extensive meeting between Iraq and British side .

Investment Opportunity


Ministry of telecommunication in coordination with the National Investment Commission is delighted to announce for all Iraqi and Foreign investors the opportunity to invest the lands belonging to the Ministry, which its details are specified in the below table, in accordance with the investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 as amended and its regulations.

Interested investors can submit their applications to the National Investment Commission through the email ( ), within a period of 30 days starting from the date of publishing this announcement, please take into consideration that the ground floor of the investment project is to be exclusively constructed and designed as a post office.

Online address information:

–         The National Investment Commission’s Website:

–         Ministry of Communication’s Email:

Information Table for The Proposed Investment Opportunities

Note: Olk =100 M2



Type of the estate and its current status

Land No.

Total area

The Suggested project



Karada District – Section. 901, St. 23 near Hamam Haji Mahdi Public Bath

A destructed post office (unexploited yard)


Albo Jumaa

21818 Olk

A commercial project that is to be constructed vertically or as a vertical offices building providing that the ground floor is to be designed as offices exclusively.

Aadamiah District- Section. 312, St. 14 Imam Aadham Mosque.

An empty Piece of Land which is  currently used as a park for vehicles.

2/36 Al- Nussa

209475 Olk

Using 500 m² as a post office and the remaining  land to be constructed as a shopping Mall



Al- Buraq District- Visitors city Building

unexploited piece of land


450 m²

Using 120 m² to establish a post office and the remaining land area can be exploited to construct a commercial hotel

Al- Buraq District / Al- Maidan Square

unexploited piece of land



Using 120 m² to establish a post office and the remaining land can be exploited to construct a commercial hotel



Al- Tamemyah district near al- AL Ashar Souq

unexploited piece of land


1,13,91,31 Dunam

Using 600 m² to establish a center for optical cables and the remaining land area can be exploited to construct a shopping Mall



Al- Qalaa district / Tikreet Town

Al- Qalaa district / Tikreet Town

unexploited piece of land




14,55,78 Olk

10,08 Olk

Establishing A five-storey building providing that the Ground floor is to be designed as a post office exclusively, other floors can be invested as commercial project since the two estates are located at Tikreet downtown



Al- Qassim district (the piece of land is overlooking the main street near Al-Qassim Holy Shrine in a distance of almost 200 m2 and  nearby the Communication Complex and Al-Qassim Post Office)

unexploited piece of land

1232/24 Juthariah

400 m²

Using 120 m² to establish a post office and the remaining land area can be exploited to construct a commercial hotel or a shopping Mall

Al- Qassim district nearby the above mentioned piece of land.

unexploited piece of land



400 m²

Al- Musaiab Town

unexploited piece of land

unexploited piece of land

unexploited piece of land




19 Olk and 69 m²

4 Olk and 13 m²

364 m2 and 2782,5 m²

the old office located on the Piece of Land numbered 9/36 was demolished to construct a typical post office of 250 m² area within the three contiguous lots while the remaining land area can be exploited to construct a multi-story shopping Mall

Al-Musaiab Town/ at Babil Province Center (nearby the new Provincial Council Building)

unexploited piece of land

9/2 m29

2782 m²

Constructing a typical post office on a total area of 150 m² while using the remaining land area to construct a shopping Mall or a hotel since the location of the land is unique .

National Investment Commission organizes a field trip for the registrars on Bismayah project

To see the workflow and the achievement rates in Bismayah project

National Investment Commission organizes a field trip for the registrars on Bismayah project

Bismayah registrars expressed their satisfaction and admiration with the movement of hard work and achievement rates of the project during a visit to the project site organized by NIC on Tuesday (8/10/2013).

Dr. Majid Hassan, one of the contractors, said that this visit contributed to transfer the real picture about the work carried out in the project and the qualitative shift taking place in the infrastructure works the matter that enhances the NIC credibility and the company executing the project under the hostile propaganda the project was subject to and the attempts to bring down this edifice which will have a great significance in the investment process in Iraq.

Mr. Jawad Kadhim, who bought five housing units, decided to buy two additional ones after studying the modern technology used in the project.

Mr. Charlie Kim, the managing director of the company, and the advanced level cadre of the project received the visitors when Mr. Kim presented a detailed explanation of the work mechanism being conducted according to schedule in the project, in addition to providing a brief summary of the most important achievements of Hanawah Company in the world.

Mr. Kim added that there are intensive studies and meetings in the company to reduce the time limit for the delivery of the first batch of residential units in the beginning of 2015 by increasing the number of engineers and technicians.

After that Mr. Kim took the visitors with a field trip in the project to see the development where they visited (PC)  Plants  laboratories  which are regarded the biggest in the Middle East , they also saw the work progress in the infrastructure tunnel with a length of(20) kilometers .

Then he answered all the questions concerning basic services such as (Electricity, high ways, delivery times and so on) describing this visit as a positive motivation to overcome obstacles that might hinder the project completion putting them on the company meeting table to produce the best services for the citizen welcoming receiving more field visits to the project in more developed stages.

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NIC holds a Ceremony of Signing the Investment Contracts of the 2 New Cities of Mustaqbal and Janat Baghdad in Baghdad


Under the Patronage of H. E. Prime Minister of Iraq Mr. Nuri al- Maliki

NIC holds a Ceremony of Signing the Investment Contracts of the 2 New Cities of Mustaqbal and Janat Baghdad in Baghdad


Under the patronage and with the attendance of H.E. Prime Minister Nuri al- Maliki, NIC held the event of signing the investment contracts of the cities of Mustaqbal and Janat Baghdad with the attendance of the implementing companies “Bloom, Handhal and Shmarah Group”.

H.E. Prime Minister, and through his speech on the occasion, emphasized that the housing sector is of the first priorities of the Government which is making its best efforts to support the private sector investing in this important field, pointing out that what Iraq had reached in ensuring investment process was not easy at all when taking in to consideration that converting from the centralized economy culture to the free market needs lots of work and legislations.


Prime Minister also highly appreciated the efforts made by the NIC to amend the investment law in the way that serves the investment environment required to attract investors and capitals, expressing the government’s readiness to consider any amendments that can contribute to enhancing investment and reconstruction process in Iraq and overcoming all difficulties encountering investors and private companies.

In his turn, Dr. Sami al- Araji assured that signing these two important investment contracts came after long financial, legal and technical negotiations with the investing companies who had bidden to take the opportunities offered, commending the governmental support which yielded the signing of the contracts of the two cities that are to be providing modern housing units to accommodate approximately 300 thousand people.

NIC chairman said that Mustaqbal city, locating in al- Dihna neighborhood between Shula and Ghazaliyah cities and extending over an area of 2000 acres, shall contain 30 thousand housing units,  25 thousand of which of vertical style while the remaining 5 thousand will be of horizontal style of diversified modern designs and to be implemented equally by Bloom, one of the UAE National holding group and al- Handhal group, while Janat Baghdad city, locating in al- Dabash in Kadhumiaha and extending over 1 million m², shall contain 20 thousand vertical housing units to be implemented by the International Hurra Co. one of Shmara holding group companies.

UAE Ambassador, Mr. Abdullah al- Shehy expressed his country’s desire to build solid economic relations with Iraq stressing the big UAE companies determination to increase its participation in supporting the people and government of Iraq by establishing huge investment projects.

On a related context, His Highness Sheik Muhammed al- Maktoom, al- Handhal group partner expressed his deep happiness to visit Iraq stressing the importance of achieving the project in less than the specified period for the UAE real belief in the necessity of seriously participating in the process of reconstructing Iraq and for consolidating relations and mutual benefits between the two countries.


NIC Chairman announces that delivering the first batch of Bismayah housing units will be at the end of 2014


During the event of celebrating finishing the work in the PC plant of Bismayah new City

NIC Chairman announces that delivering the first batch of Bismayah housing units will be at the end of 2014

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al- Araji announced that the first batch of Bismayah housing units of the 9 thousand units shall be delivered to registrars starting from 2015 while 22 thousand units shall be delivered successively on annual basis until delivering the whole 100 thousand units by the year 2019.

Al- Araji said during a celebration organized on the occasion of finishing the pre- casting plant construction, which is the biggest in the Middle East, that such plant is considered as the backbone of the project that ensures producing 80 housing units a day referring that the work progress is going according to time schedule agreed upon without any delay.

Dr. Salman al- Musawi and Mr. Abul Abbas Sheaa al- Saaedy –Members of the Economy and Investment Committee in the Iraqi Parliament had attended the event in addition to DG of the General Board for Construction and DG of the National Center for Engineering Consultations in the Ministry of Housing and Construction.

NIC Chairman added that the contract signed with Hanawah South Korean Co. is an international investment contract implemented according to investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 as amended, pointing that the NIC had worked in a transparent way since signing the contract and had been always keen to monitor the implementation stages seriously in details.

Al- Araji declared that the Ministry of Housing and Construction had started putting the designs for constructing the highway connecting Bismayah New City with Baghdad City center which hopefully starts racing next year in coordination with Baghdad Mayoralty in addition to coordination with the Ministry of Electricity to construct a power station of 750 MW capacity for the new city according to investment law.

NIC had signed a contract with the Martyrs Foundation to buy 4000 housing units in Bismayah City while other negotiations are being conducted with other governmental entities to buy other housing units.

NIC Organizes a Media Tour in Bismayah Project’s Site

For the Purpose of Standing on the latest Stages of Work Progress

NIC Organizes a Media Tour in Bismayah Project’s Site



NIC organized a media tour for a group of different media houses in Bismayah housing project in order to stand on the latest stages of work progress.

NIC media office announced, that the trip had included a visit to all parts of the site with giving a detailed explanation for each work progress stage by the executing company engineers, referring that the implementation term as planned is 7 years including the 2 years specified to be devoted for implementing the city infrastructure, the pre casting plant construction and the water treatment station that will utilize all the housing units.

The spokesman added that the work in the site is going according to schedule starting with drilling the infrastructures tunnel that extends for a distance of (20) kilometers in length around the city which total area is (18) million square meters, this tunnel contains Water, gas, electricity to be provided for all housing units and other amenities inside the new city.

From his part the Managing Director of the project ,Charlie Kim, announced the completion of 80% of the largest pre- cast plant in the Middle East which produces  20 thousand housing units  per year, the number that exceeds the largest production volumes in the region, located in UAE capital Abu Dhabi, indicating that this plant included 6 major factories and two other supporting ones.

The beginning of this year will witness the opening of pillars production lines which are to be used for strengthening the soil of the project.

He added that the work is continuing to establish drinking water treatment plant which will be located next to the plant outside the city zone and it is hoped to be ready by next year referring that it will be possible to make advantage of the plant in other projects after agreeing with the GOI .

NIC and as a part of its quest to attract the largest number of Iraqi manpower  agreed with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to open Bismayah project centre for training the Iraqi manpower according the needed specializations and more than 500 jobs have been filled by the  Iraqi manpower so far.


Investment Opportunity


NIC in coordination with the Ministry of Transport are pleased to announce the investment opportunity of developing the middle Euphrates area airport in (BOT) style and according to the provisions of the investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 as amended and its regulations:

  1. The airport area is 45 km²
  2.  The airport is to be constructed in three stages:


First stage (6) million passenger capacity

Second stage (12) million passenger capacity

Third stage (20) million passenger capacity

And according to the previously prepared designs by ADPI French Consultants

3. The investor is to adhere to constructing the airport according to the following stages:

First stage- within a period of 4 years maximum

a- Air field 4F- CAT III to be consisting of a runway of 4.5 km length, 60 m width or 75 m with the runway shoulders and all other accessories with an estimated cost of 270 million $.

b- Passengers’ building with a capacity of 6 million passenger annually and with an estimated cost of 950 million $.

c- Airport infrastructure with an estimated cost of 550 million $.

d- Buildings of (Fire extinguishing station, air cargo, administration buildings, rations building, checkpoints) with an estimated cost of 60 million $.


h- 64 m height control tower and its technical building with an estimated cost of 70 million $.

Second stage: the second passengers’ building of 9 million passenger annual capacity

Third stage: the third passengers’ building of 6 million passenger annual capacity and other runway parallel to the first runway with all its accessories and of the same specifications of the first air field.

4. The investor will undertake paying the engineering consultant fees (ADPI) which is 42 million $ in one payment immediately at signing the contract.

5. GOI will undertake implementing all infrastructures needed for the project

6. NIC, Ministry of Transport and local governments shall undertake submitting the needed facilities for the investor during the period of implementation and operation.

7. Ministry of transport with a technical consultant shall be supervising the implementation of the project to ensure good standards.

8. The airport must be run by a specialized company of long expertise in the field after being approved by the Ministry of Transport.

9. Ministry of Transport shall be supporting the operation of the airport by submitting all facilities regarding aircrafts movement.

10. NIC shall prepare the financial conditions that ensure the investor seriousness.

The financial and technical offers must be submitted either to the investment section in the Ministry of Transport or to the National Investment Commission within a period of 30 days from the date of publishing this announcement.

For any further information:



Third stage

Second stage

First stage




Peak hour/passenger (A+D)




Rate / passenger




PTB Floor Area




PTB Foot print








Aircraft movement /Hour/Peak

Contact Air bridges

Equivalent to code E 12

Code C 4
Code E 8
Code F 2

8 code E Remote

–         Cargo Capacity = 57,21 Ton

–         Aircraft Maintenance Area 76,000 m2